Basic Operating Systems

mjk- 2023. 12. 12. 10:07

Today, I am listing some of the basic concepts in Operating Systems.

* Quick warning - this may be very simple.


  • Program v. Process v. Thread
    • Program: executable file that includes process instructions or code. 
      • When the program is loaded from the disk to the main memory (RAM) and executed by a processor, it becomes a process. 
    • Process: an instance of execution - running code.
      • Includes resources like program registers, program counter(PC), page management, stack, heap, etc.
      • Each processor has its own memory space -> safe but expensive.
      • "Traditional process" refers to the single-core process with one thread. 
    • Thread: the smallest unit of execution - a unit of CPU utilization within the same address space.
      • Has own stack, register, and PC; shares heap space in the process. 
      • One process can have multiple threads (user threads).
      • Multiple share the address space -> fast communication but blocking issue. 
  • User-threads v. Kernel-threads
    • User-level thread: task created and managed in user space (kernel can't see).
      • pro: excellent performance in parallel programming, low-cost, flexible
      • con: no I/O operations (blocking call blocks the whole threads), poor perf when built on top of traditional processes.
    • Kernel thread: task created & managed by the kernel/OS.
      • pro: no system integration problems like user-level threads
      • con: too heavyweight for efficient parallel programming.
    • Does the Linux schedule process or thread?
      • it schedules a single-threaded process (fork), user-level thread (thread in multi-threaded process), and kernel task (kernel thread).
  • Stack, Heap, Code, Data in Process
    • Stack: stores local variables, function parameters, return address
      • Last-In-First-Out
      • When the function is called, its local variables & parameters are allocated on the stack. As it exits, the function's allocated space is deallocated (auto).
      • grows @ function call, shrinks @ function return. --> dynamic size
      • stack overflow: when excessive allocation/deep function call chain happens with limited stack memory.
    • Heap: dynamic memory allocation
      • allocated with malloc, calloc, realloc; deallocated with free (not auto).  --> dynamic size
      • to handle data structures with dynamic sizes like array (size determined at runtime), and linked lists. 
      • improper use can lead to memory leaks (no free) or fragmentation (mem holes).
    • Data / Initialized Data: initialized global variables, initialized constant global variables, initialized local static variables.
      • ex) int globalVar=1; or static int localStatic=1;
      • consumes space in the executable file to store the variable with initial values.
      • In summary, the data segment is utilized for storing initialized variables along with their values, and this allocation occurs within the executable file, contributing to the program's memory layout.
    • BSS (Block Started by Symbol) / Uninitialized Data: uninitialized global variables, uninitialized constant global variables, uninitialized local static variables.
      • ex) int globalVar; or static int localStatic;
      • global variables declared as 0 or NULL also stored @ BSS.
      • reduces the size of the executable.
    • Code (Text): frequently executed/compiled machine code
      • often read-only to avoid risks like buffer overflow/segmentation faults/program crash.

  • Local v. Global v. Static variables
    • local: only exists in the function where it's created & disappears when the function ends.
      • in stack (declared & defined in functions)
      • two local variables in different functions are completely independent of each other.

To change the local var outside of the function, use pointer

    • global: available to all functions until the program ends. ----> data
      • even can be accessed by another file with "extern".
    • static: only accessible by the file where it's created. ----> data
      • can be local (defined in the function)/global (outside of function) - default is global.
      • local var: gets re-initialized when the function is called.
      • local static var: still exists in the memory after the function ends, but can only access from that function.

  • constant: #define replace the variable with the appropriate value. only exists in the file where it's created. ---->  code and/or data
    • problem when the same definition is in another file with a different value. 
  • Volatile variable: tells the compiler not to optimize.
    •  C compilers optimize the code or skip the abstraction when converting to actual machine code like the following picture:

  • C establish a connection between the abstract and actual machines:
    • the arguments to main()
    • the return value from main()
    • the side-effecting functions in the C standard library
    • volatile variables
  • When to use:
    • When you interface with hardware that changes the value itself (Memory-mapped peripheral registers)
    • when there's another thread running that also uses the variable (Global variables within a multi-threaded application)
    • when there's a signal handler that might change the value of the variable (Global variables modified by an interrupt service routine)

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